Thursday, November 22, 2007

Labour's Law or Company's Law

How much will a employee know about the basic of labour's law?
Example like...
How many days of their annual leave?
How many minimun hours should they complete?
How many MCs they could take a month?
Could they claim back hours if they work more than 8hours a day, without claiming OTs?

When I worked in my previous companies...
I got 12 days annual leave (for employee who work more than a year - 2 years) .. and I got it soon after I being confirm staff to the company...
Even my last job, the HR "motivate" us by if we did not apply annual leave on that month, we get "extra" a day of annual leave!...
I kinda like that, cos how often can OPERATION staffs get long holiday even, we work more than 8 hours.

For my current company...
I got 8 days annual leave...
I asked my GM before, doesn't it against labour law for that?
He asked me to check with the LAW.. as the company won't do anything to against it...
How true is that?

I do understand that work in OPERATION hours...
Will be more than 8 hours a day...
I even work 12-13 hours a day...
Since management level can't claim OT, shouldn't we have the right to least get off extra 2 days instead of one?

Is the 10 Gazetted Holidays... really 10 days only?
When it comes to OPERATION jobs...
As employee...
Is it that we just follow whatever law that the company set?
Or do they eventually follow the Labour's Law?
How can we know that?

...even after I confirm, if I wanna apply for annual leave...Have to "purata" how many months I work devide with days, months, years... bla bla... only can apply.....Only I reach ONE YEAR... then only I can SEE the balance leave...........weird.

Back to Office job.. maybe?