Saturday, August 4, 2007

This morning while I was on Monorail...
There's 5 teenagers I can't get my eyes off from...
Well, 3 gals and 2 guys...
Not saying they are too pretty nor handsome...
Is their attires I was hooked with.
Well, maybe I'm not really into fashion...
I won't say I dress well either...
However... fashion are meant to be judge...
Malaysian teenagers (especially gals) got hooked with either Japanese or Taiwanese fashion sense...
With long stocking... pantyhose...
(If no idea, try browse around thru internet)

As I could recall, I only will saw this type of fashion...
Pretty Woman? Or maybe... movies with consist of.. hookers?
Not to say I don't respect on their dressing...
But least... not to say you go SG WANG you got to dress in that way...
And of course you won't see ladies wearing night gown strolling at the park isn't it?

Attires need to be wear on certain occasions and locations...
THose Japanese or Taiwanese wearing...
well, can't judgee Japanese much cos that's their style...
Taiwanese got influence by them and also from the actors and actresses...
t's quite hard to fill in this blog...
Cos I just know is tragic...
And I don't have fashion sense either.

*adapted from my friendster*

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