Monday, March 9, 2009

:: Lesson ::

::Lesson from an unforgiven mistake::

1. Learn to be faithful even though there's lots of temptation. LOYALTY!
2. Learn to share thoughts instead of keep inside the heart. SHARING IS CARING!
3. Learn that ASSUME won't work out but only SHARE and TALKS does help to understand each others well. TALK!
4. Learn that don't because of SCARED to argue, everything just keep inside. NO FEAR!
5. Learn that being dishonest won't work out an issue. Be HONEST.
6. Learn that shouldn't hide things just to please someone. BE REALISTIC.
7. Learn to be a good girlfriend after the ONCE AND FOR ALL MISTAKE! Really DO!
8. Learn that will never never be in this situation ever again. BELIEVE ME.
9. Learn that commitment not only a SAYING, it's also needs to apply ACTIONS!
10. Learn that it's hard to be a GOOD one, but not being one is even harder when you
have much more GOODIE person as your partner.
11. Eventually, I've lost you.
12. Eventually, I want you back to my life.
13. Eventually, I did not propose to you directly before....
14. Eventually, I did not know you got the wrong ideas over all my blogs...
15. Eventually, I've learnt.

I'm Sorry
(you forgiven but not forgotten)
I apologized that I've made you upset
(already upset and yet nothing much to upset about)
I want you back
(you no longer have feelings towards me)
I promised to work things out
(i never did fulfill my promises)
.... I've got no say.....

I'm sincere...
How may I convince you again?

Remove the gap and wall...
I'll ensure, it will be the best and you won't regret for the chance you give to me.

PLEASE, consider.

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