Sunday, June 3, 2007

...Left, Right...

Eventually, the past love need to be gone...
The person who you've love need to be forgotten...
How many people could do that?

Eventhough loyal been given...
How many believe the trust is there?
Even there's joy... will it be a happiness?

Career or partner for life?
Which will be choosen?
Will it be foolish to choose love?
Will it be selfish to choose career then?

Will there be right and wrong over that?
Can, luv be choosen?
Can, luv... be a responsibility instead of priority?
Can, luv... just for relying and not for luving?

*to be continue*

1 comment:

多愁伤感的怪兽 said...

sometimes we really can't choose LOVE.. however, we can choose to control our feelings (but this is painful).

my choices:
love vs. career ; love
responsibility vs. priority ; responsibility
relying vs luving ; OF COURSE IS LUVING!!