Wednesday, June 20, 2007

WiTh tHis rInG

My sister went on her marriage registration yesterday...
Attended by my own family members...
Before that, I asked my mum...
"How long they known each other?"
"Around 10mths...?"

I was surprised...
I got to understand that... time... isn't important...
With trust and understanding... time, tells.
Believe me, only till yesterday I got to know what's my brother-in-law's SURNAME...
I'm hardly back to Penang.. so wouldn't know much in details...

Think about it...
Just realized... I ain't a kid anymore...
I'm going be 24 on 07.07.07...
Nice date, but ain't doing anything special to remember it... Anyone wana sponsor then?

Come to look at it...
All my siblings grown up... move on...
Sooner or later...
Our own family will grow.. "branches"...
Till then...
In my heart...
We are always.. the Fantastic 4... Anthony and Nellie's Kids...

Luv y'all.

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