Friday, October 24, 2008

Freedom of Sexuality

I heard from my collegue that a new rule been out...
Which is if see a butch around public, she'll be catch and throw in for counselling...
Is that a right rule to follow?
Is there anymore freedom in Malaysia?

I was quite sad of pity with that kind of person's future...
To be the truth, it's not THEY who want to end in this way or this life...
They've tried to change, tried to be someone who are not themself just to be in a group of straight people...
However, does anyone do really care about their feelings?
What they have in mind?
How much they've been suffered because of being born in this way?

Being a thief... can be counsel...
Being a rapist... can be counsel...
Being a bad temper person... there's a anger management counsel...
Being a person who have the feelings with the same sex... a counsel?
Does it really work?

How can a such rule be authorized?
That's called "Majmuk", "Kebebasan"?

Something new...

Not everyone can be pleased...
The most hard is to please ourself to make ourself happy...
Think again, will they be happy to be someone they are not?

Why need to interfere their way of living, when they did nothing to your life?

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