Wednesday, June 6, 2007

...Dated Valentino?...

Dated: 20.02.2002
Stan went out with her 1st ex at the age of 19th...that's her 1st relationship with someone same gender as me just different "category"...
At that time she was fat and tomboyish eventhough with long hair tugged at her head... Still, she just went along with her 1st ex, Vin who eventually, jobless at the age of 20...sometimes gamble, and somteimes...well, most of the times... borrow money from friends.
Stan based in KL and Vin was in the Island... they don't really meet each other up, sometimes.. once a month... either one went over to the respective states of theirs.
Even, on Stan's 19th birthday... Vin eventually squad down in front of 200 others lesbians and gave Stan a ring... Proposed? Hardly cos after about 1-2 weeks they've broke up...
They been together for 5months.
Stan need to be someone else... she's not.
She's not those "female feminine" type of gal...
Cause wanted to please Vin.. she need to change herself...
At the same time.. Vin told her before that all the calls Stan made to her.. a long distance call... will be paid by her in the end of each months... Never did that happened.
Feeling being misused.. cheated.
After Stan asked for break.. a month later.. she got to know from Vin's close friends that eventually, Vin was seeing someone else when with Stan at the same time...and also been told that Vin did not love Stan as who she is at all.
Might not.

Dated: 17.04.2003
After all the frustration.. Stan got to know Cee,a chubby gal with same age as she was...
They just start as friend... later on got hitched up... barely.. guess.. a month?
Later on Cee, moved in with Stan.. and.. things started to went wrong...
Stan got sick... emotionally went down... still tried to take care of Cee whenever possible...
Things started to change after Cee back from her hometown..
Whenever Stan want to get intimate with Cee... Cee started to be violence... maybe she accidently did it.. but it's hurtful.
After being together for one year and four month.. Cee asked for break up...
Eventhough there's happiness .... but it's beaten down by most sadness...
Cee told Stan that it tooks her for a year to ask for break up as Stan treated her very well... too well...till she can't ask for break up instantly as Stan was sick at that time too.
After 3 days, Cee was attached with Hos...who eventually Stan did wonder whether did they had affair beforehand.
Oh yes it is!

Dated: ...somewhere in april... 1.5.2004
....this shall be continued....

1 comment:

多愁伤感的怪兽 said...

both broke up stories seems related to 3rd party. anyway, how many relationship did u have and how was it ended?